Referral Program

UNCX Network
3 min readDec 17, 2020


Hello wonderful community,

It is with great pleasure that I announce our Lockers V2 are live.
We have updated the uniswap browser today to include watchlists, account logins, and better metrics on tokens that have locked liquidity. I hope you are all finding it useful!

We have just breached 52 million in locked liquidity and I think this number is about to grow much more in the following weeks and months with a greater pace.

One of the new features in the new locking contracts is the option for any member of our community who holds at least 5 UNCX to refer a locker and get a referral fee of 0.225 ETH (current value $150).

The only requirement is that you hold at least 5 UNCX in your account that you will give out to a token for referring you. If they use your referral address, they themselves save 0.1 ETH on the 1 ETH locking fee. This benefits both you and them. This process is entirely automated so please ensure when you give out your address is holds 5 UNCX minimum or the transaction will not succeed.

So the question then is how to find tokens that have not locked liquidity.

On the ‘Tokens’ page, ensure under the ‘Filter’ option you have disabled the ‘Locked’ option. This will enable you to see all tokens, not only tokens that have locked liquidity. You can then sort the list by ‘Latest’ to see the latest tokens on uniswap. If there is a red line of text saying ‘$0 locked’ on the bottom left, the token has not locked liquidity.

You can then click on the token, and click the Twitter icon to find the token on Twitter. Pop into their telegram, tell them the benefits of visibility on both DEXT tools and the Unicrypt uniswap browser if they lock liquidity and provide assurances to their community they plan to be around for a while, and then provide the token devs your referral address holding 5 UNCX. If they enter it into the locking dapp (and themselves receive a 0.1 ETH discount on the lock) you will receive 0.225 ETH automatically. Nice!

On the lock page they simply need to click ‘Yes’ if they have a valid referral address and enter your address. If they choose to pay in UNCX and not eth, you receive 25% of the UNCX fee instead of ETH.

Thats really all there is to it! Send us a message in telegram if you have any questions, and I hope this program benefits all of you who are willing to go out and seek new tokens to lock on Unicrypt.

Special note: We have just started work on a new mystery product that will be a huge addition to the space and work very well with all of our existing products. Exciting times ahead!

Have a great week and weekend everyone, thanks for sticking around with us. You are all very much appreciated.




UNCX Network

Multi-chain decentralized services provider — Built from the ground-up, permanently ignoring market conditions and delivering disruption.