PART II — How to launch a farming contract

UNCX Network
3 min readNov 5, 2020

This article is mostly for token developers who plan to use our new yield farming platform to launch yield farms for their community.

What is the UNCX farming platform? The idea is to make a farming platform that is easy for token developers or farmers to use, like uniswap. You don't need to write a single line of code to launch a farm — or even contact our team. Everything is automated and easy to navigate. Hopefully as much so as uniswap is. Big inspiration there. Ok, lets make a farm shall we?

The first thing you need to do is follow the instructions in the first article to get some UNCX-WETH LP tokens and some reward tokens (such as liquid, UNCX, or fake WETH).

Heres the link:

A quick reminder this is only for Kovan test-net. Do not use your wallet to interact with these dapps such as signing transactions when it is connected to mainnet! You could lose funds sending them to random mainnet contracts. Stick to Kovan.

Lets see how to launch a farm in the new dapp.

Head to

The first page you will see is the farms page. This is the page from which you will launch a farm. At the top click the ‘Create farm’ button. (you will need to have a uniswap pair address (on kovan) and some tokens ready from the first article, or mint your own test tokens).

You can now copy and paste in the token address you would like to reward farmers (it must be on Kovan) and then hit continue.

Copy and paste a kovan uniswap pair address as the pair you’d like the farming on. For example (0xbB1e1bD372e776375db698E8837aE4756c74280F is for UNCX-WETH)

Calculating block times is a pain. That's why we implemented a date picker. Simply choose the calendar date you want the farm to start on, the bonus period to end on, and the end date when farming should stop. If you would like there to be a bonus period set the bonus multiplier above 1. Otherwise, leave it at 1 for no bonus period.
After running through all the steps you should see all the information for your farm. The start date, bonus end date, end date. How many total tokens will be farmed in the period, and the pair on which they shall be farmed. Some things to bear in mind, set a start date ideally 1 day from the current time to give farmers time to get ready. The farm creator script will fail if the start block is less than the current block, so set start block to at least a few mins from now.
the last page will show you some information on your farm. Such as the block reward. The period, the fees we charge (currently 0.2eth + 1% farm rewards). If your happy, approve, then create (2 transactions necessary).
And that's it! Simple right? Allow up to 5 mins for our back end api’s to sync with the blockchain before both your token and the farm is visible within the app. Your community will now be able to farm your token and easily track all their farms on a mobile focussed farming dapp that supports almost any erc20 token.



UNCX Network

Multi-chain decentralized services provider — Built from the ground-up, permanently ignoring market conditions and delivering disruption.