UNCX Network
2 min readDec 3, 2020

Hey folks!

It is with great pleasure we officially announce our long term partnership with DEXT, DexTools.

As many of you may already know, DexTools has featured Unicrypt for a while now on their app, allowing users to follow the Unicrypt link to verify locked liquidity on our platform. We are going to be strengthening the collaboration between our two projects to provide enhanced safety metrics going forward.

DexTools is the undisputed titan of Uniswap analytics and trust scores. Committed to helping investors find safer projects, and instant analytics on DEX exchanges.

This partnership entails API integration between DEXT and Unicrypt, we will be collaborating on enhanced trust scores, and making these scores visible on both of our platforms.

Dext Projects will be adding an additional layer of trust to their projects by locking liquidity with us for future projects, granting projects increased visibility on both platforms and boosted scoring metrics.

As both Dext and Unicrypt are committed to providing the best analytics on safer projects this is just the start of what I believe will be an incredible partnership for this space, both for tokens themselves and for investors. This partnership will bring more exposure to both Unicrypt and Dext.

We will additionally be creating a UNCL DEXT yield farm starting with rewards this Monday. This brings the amount of great tokens you can now purchase directly with UNCL and less gas fees to 5, namely YFDAI, DISTX, ORAI, UNCX & DEXT.

I foresee some really nice synergy in the coming weeks and months between Dext, Unicrypt and Distx, and couldn't be more excited for the future for all three of these projects.

Stay tuned for more announcements, Our V2 lockers are just around the corner (pending an audit).

Mark — UNCX



UNCX Network

Multi-chain decentralized services provider — Built from the ground-up, permanently ignoring market conditions and delivering disruption.